He's making all things right

There is no denying the fact that disappointment hurts and that it’s hard to face. Though it comes in many various forms, it leaves a similar sting of defeat and discouragement, and feelings of failure and hopelessness. The tough reality is that disappointment is inevitable in this lifetime. My hope, though, is that if you’ve found yourself in a season of disappointment...that these words would encourage you and fill you with hopeful anticipation knowing that this is not the end of God’s story for your life.Let me start by saying this: IT IS OKAY TO MOURN THE LOSS OF HOW YOU HOPED THINGS WOULD HAVE GONE AND DID NOT. It is okay to lack understanding and to question how and why you ended up where you are. It is okay to be frustrated, afraid, and to have no idea where to go from here. I have been there, countless times, and I have learned that sitting in the rubble of broken pieces is a perfect starting place for God to do what He does best: redeem, restore, make new, and make right.Yes, even and especially when everything feels so terribly wrong.Some of the greatest disappointments I have faced in my life have led me to the greatest joys and victories, and have filled me with purpose. Entrust where you are to the One who can be trusted to make beautiful things out of ashes. Rest assured that although you may be, God is never caught off guard or surprised by any circumstance you are faced with. He knows your wants and deepest desires, but more importantly...He knows your needs better than you ever will. He knows what is best for you in the grand scheme of His perfect plan for your life.TAKE HEART, friend, knowing and trusting that the greater author and creator is in control, release the outcome into His mighty hands. I don’t know what it all looks like or when it will be revealed, but I know He does and I know He is always right on time.Yes, disappointment is inevitable, but it doesn't last forever. Hope is not lost. He finishes the good work He begins. Take Him at His word. I believe with enough faith for the both of us that there is a precious purpose wrapped up in this seemingly meaningless mess. There is no wrong that He cannot make right. Be encouraged in the midst of it all today, when everything seems as though it is crumbling around you...He has you and holds you even there.Isaiah 61:3 (go read it)<3 Maddie Joy


Relationship > Ministry


Dear broken-hearted one,